Let’s stay in touch
Write to us
Warszawska Grupa Mediowa ltd.
ul. Nowy Świat 33 lok. 13, 00-029 Warszawa
NIP 7010988235, REGON 3863861090,
KRS 0000847360, EUID: PLKRS.0000847360
Phone: +48 501 502 011
Email: hello@warszawskagm.pl
Bank account: 11 1140 2004 0000 3202 8021 9293 (mBank)
If you contact us, we would like to inform you that the administrator of your personal data is the company Warszawska Grupa Mediowa Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością, with its registered office at ul. Nowy Świat 33 lok. 13, 00-029 Warsaw, entered in the register of entrepreneurs by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No. 0000847360. The share capital is PLN 5000, fully covered.